Life Membership Nomination Form

OTWAY DISTRICTS FNC CONSTITUTION: RULE 22. LIFE MEMBERS The Life Members of the club shall consist of any member who, by some reason of outstanding service to the club for a period of not less than ten years, is elected to life membership by the committee. Such life members shall be entitled for life privileges and benefits as a single adult membership.

"*" indicates required fields

Nominated by*
Has the nominee provided 10 or more years of service to the club?*

Roles Performed at ODFNC

List the year and the role performed*
Put each role on a separate row. Click + to add a new row.
Summarise the service the nominee has given the club and why they are worthy of Life Membership:
Nomination does not mean the nominee will be granted life membership, please respect the confidentiality rules of any discussions at meetings or in other discussion relating to this nomination. Decision to be made by Committee or designated sub committee, casting vote/final decision if required rests with Club President
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